بازدید 41496

Russia, Iran stress need for continuing efforts to eliminate terrorism

Foreign Ministers of Russia and Iran, Sergey Lavrov and Mohammad Javad Zarif underlined on Monday the need for continuing the efforts to eliminate terrorism in Syria and solve the crisis in the country through Astana formula.
کد خبر: ۹۲۱۷۰۴
تاریخ انتشار: ۱۲ شهريور ۱۳۹۸ - ۰۹:۱۲ 03 September 2019

Foreign Ministers of Russia and Iran, Sergey Lavrov and Mohammad Javad Zarif underlined on Monday the need for continuing the efforts to eliminate terrorism in Syria and solve the crisis in the country through Astana formula.

“We have discussed regional and international issues in addition to the fight against terrorism in Syria and the region, Lavrov said at a press conference with Zarif, adding that Russia will not support anything except resolutions that respect Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

He stressed that the talks also tackled means of providing suitable conditions for the return of Syrian refugees to their land.

Zarif, for his part, said that the presence of the US occupation on Syrian territories is “illegal and destructive,” adding that any behavior that could lead to any damage to the Syrian people is unacceptable.

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