بازدید 18058

High-level contacts indicate to an upcoming Syria – Arab world rapprochement

As the Syrian government has managed to retake most of Syria’s territory from the rebel and terrorist groups, Arab states are reconsidering their strategies toward Damascus, taking steps toward normalizing ties. After the Sudanese president’s visit to Damascus, Egypt shows signs of willingness to initiate a rapprochement with Syria.
کد خبر: ۸۶۳۴۱۴
تاریخ انتشار: ۰۳ دی ۱۳۹۷ - ۱۹:۴۶ 24 December 2018

Tabnak – As the Syrian government has managed to retake most of Syria’s territory from the rebel and terrorist groups, Arab states are reconsidering their strategies toward Damascus, taking steps toward normalizing ties. After the Sudanese president’s visit to Damascus, Egypt shows signs of willingness to initiate a rapprochement with Syria.

According to Press TV, a senior adviser to Syria's President Bashar al-Assad has visited Egypt at the invitation of the Egyptian intelligence chief. Head of Syria's National Security Bureau Maj. Gen. Ali Mamlouk arrived in Egypt on Saturday to discuss political and security issues, including counter-terrorism efforts, the official Syrian Arab News Agency reported on Sunday.

Mamlouk visited Egypt last time in 2016 when Cairo kept up security contacts with Damascus despite a general snub in the Arab world. Cairo has reportedly negotiated some of the reconciliation deals between the Syrian government and militant groups.

On Sunday, Saudi-owned al-Arabiya news network reported that Jordan was also seeking to restore its ties with Syria, putting it down to Syria's military gains that have secured their common border. The broadcaster said a Jordanian parliamentary delegation had recently visited the Syrian capital and taken back a message from President Assad to King Abdullah II.

"Today, as the Syrian army has expanded its control over most of Syria and restored large parts of the country that have been under the control of armed and terrorist groups for years, including areas bordering Jordan, there are signs that the two countries are normalizing ties gradually," the network said.

In another related development, Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir arrived in Damascus last Sunday in the first such visit by an Arab leader since the start of the Syrian conflict in 2011. Bashir was officially welcomed at the airport by his Syrian counterpart Bashar al-Assad, official photos showed.

The two leaders discussed the "situations and crises faced by many Arab countries", according to the Syrian presidency. Assad and Bashir also stressed the need to build “new principles for inter-Arab relations based on the respect of the sovereignty of countries and non-interference in internal affairs.”

Furthermore, Russian newspaper Nezavisimaya Gazeta reported in November that the UAE is negotiating the reopening of its embassy in Syria and return of its ambassador to Damascus, six years after the mission was closed due to the country's bloody war.

A source in Damascus told the outlet that Emirati officials have been meeting with the Syrian government to restore its diplomatic mission in the capital, in a sign of Abu Dhabi's warming relations with Bashar al-Assad's government.

According to the source, an Emirati diplomat is already based permanently in Damascus, while other officials make regular visits to the Syrian capital. The report added that barbed-wire and concrete barriers have been removed from the UAE's embassy and that Egyptian officials are also involved in the negotiations.

Under the influence of Persian Gulf monarchies, the Arab League suspended Syria's membership at the end of 2011, and many Arab countries closed their embassies or downgraded their ties with Damascus.

However, there have been growing calls in the Arab world in recent months to normalize ties with Syria, and last week the Arab Parliament called on the Arab League to end its suspension of Syria’s membership at the 22-member body.

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